the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Viva la Vida's Guilty Pleasures

Who cares right? But I was listening to some of my favorite tracks this morning from artist that most of my friends probably have never heard of and probably would make fun of me if they knew how much I enjoyed them. I am Mr. Texas Country right? Well, I guess I was when Texas Country wasn't Bgirl use to say. And these days I am Mr. Coldplay!

Well, I started thinking about a conversation or rather confrontation Jared and I had at the NASCAR race earlier this month. Yes it happened again...IPOD Todd (does anyone know him?) appeared and decided everyone must like the music he likes and tried to go out on a limb and show his friends there is more to Todd than Texas Country...coming out of sorts I guess. Well I am guessing much like "coming out", this did not set so well with my NASCAR buddies. It was almost like they did not know me anymore. Of course IPOD Todd was offended. I ran with it and had some fun and of course they reminded me how belligerent I was the next morning. That seems to be par for the course at NASCAR weekend. Sorry Honey!

Here are a few of my guilty pleasures that many of you will not understand along with a video of "I Wanna Die" by Somone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin.

1. Vampire Weekend
2. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
3. Old 97s
4. Shout Out Louds
5. Casting Crowns


Kristina said...

Just for the record, Casting Crowns is one of the greatest bands ever. My ring tone is Set Me Free and I think if more people understood the message of Slow Fade the world would be a better place.

Harry said...

Words I did not expect to read today: "Well, I started thinking about a conversation...I had at the NASCAR race earlier this month"