the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, November 17, 2008

Check Yes or No

On Friday, Madison came home with her first note:

"Madison, will you be my girlfriend? Check yes or no.
P.S. wright back asap.

I begged her to let me keep the note, even though she protested that she did indeed have to check yes or no and return it. She wrote a new reply:

Thank you so much for asking me to be your girlfriend, but I don't really want a boyfriend right now. You are a really really good friend.
P.S. What's your favorite animal? I like animals.


Denney Crane said...

Cookies, candies, flowers, drawings, poems... teach her to show boys the proper way to catch a sweetheart!

Unfortunately, the role reverses and the girls do the chasing now... but I could be wrong!

House said...

this made me so happy! i was afraid the art of note writing was long gone in the texting/emailing world we now live in! happy to know that they will get to experience this durning their pre-cell phone/internet days! very cute!