the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, November 7, 2008


Dad dressed me for the day. I remember my hair was in an awkward ponytail, and my dress was on backward. I was six, and in first grade, so I didn't correct him. We went to the hospital, and that's when I met my baby sister.

Since that moment, I have fed her bottles, listened to her stories, and even played with her toys. I was protective of her, and let any babysitter know exactly what she needed. When I was in third grade, my mom would joke that Patti and her friend Adam could close down any restaurant. When I was in sixth grade we would set up all our barbies outside on the patio and play for hours. (yes, our barbies-I was a little on the immature side) She was in kindergarten. When I was in eighth grade, we moved to Decatur and shared a bathroom. She spoke in tongues in her sleep (I could hear her through that shared bathroom), and she stole all my bows. She always wanted to be included when my friends were over, and the great friends that I have, they always obliged. She couldn't wait to have a "big life" like me.
When I left for school, she was in 6th grade. Her life got bigger. She came to visit me, and we even spent the 4th of July together once-just the two of us. When she was going into high school, I got married, and she was my maid of honor. I was on my way to being a grown up, and she was entering those turbulent teenage years. It seemed we were always a page away from eachother.

She graduated in 2000, and I took her to visit colleges-Tech, A&M, and Texas (just to show her the bright spot in all 3). She picked Texas. I blame myself for that one. I went to visit her this time around, and she gave us the grand tour. I told her I was expecting our little "leafy twig"(long story). I asked her to be a Godmother.

It's amazing that Patticake is all grown up, and taking on the world by its Longhorns. Now I steal her rubberbands, and she buys bows for my daughter. Our lives are both big, and sometimes we just want to make them small again. I'm lucky to have a sister and a friend-it was a long journey, but one so worth the wait.

Happy Birthday Patti!!!! Gig 'Em!


natalie said...

Wow, I don't know what to say after that comment, but that brought a tear to my eye! You have outdone yourself on your posts this week. Happy Birthday Patti!

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, thank you! such a way with words, you brought a tear to my eye too :-)


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Patti!


Harry said...

Happy burfday Pattilicious!

Anonymous said...

you are super lucky..both of you that is!