the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Nascar Widow

Twice a year, Todd and the boys head down to the Texas Motorspeedway for a guy weekend. I'm all for Guy Weekend, and I truly support the Macho Male Bonding-scratching and belching and all. Nascar just isn't my favorite "sport"... It is for Todd though, and I'm glad he has this chance to retreat from common sense reality world.

The kids and I muddle through while he is gone, and this time we had Halloween for a major distraction. Last night, for no reason, I set the dining room table and lit candles for a fancy dinner. To make things extra special, I let the kids drink out of wine glasses. That always bumps it up a notch. Other than Grady constantly singing Happy Birthday and trying to blow out the canldes, it was actually quite nice. They even helped me clear the table before we all settled down in our cozy spots to watch Shrek. I realized Grady had never watched it, and it's a Scroggins Family Fave. I jumped on the chance to get in bed early, and I think I was actually asleep before 9:00. I said a little prayer, and hoped they would all sleep past 6 in light of the time change.

They did. Grady didn't come to my room until 7 this morning. Prayer Answered.

Today I braved church on my own, and for a brief moment all 3 kids were still and quiet. I was able to listen to the sermon, and held on to that moment with a prayer of thanks. Amid all the crazy that is my life, moments like these make me pause. I try to sketch it all in my mind to remember how blessed I truly am. The spell never lasts long, but taking the time to notice it lasts forever.

We came home for lunch, and then almost by accident I set about cleaning closets. I started just by cleaning up, and before I knew it, there were bags and bags of clothes and toys to be donated or sold at the consignment shop. I felt o-so-productive, but now seriously wiped out. Madison and Tanner were awesome and went on a hike and played "brother-sister" (they are game-making-up-geniuses) before coming in and making about 450 bead necklaces. I don't think there was a fight all day. Madison even commented that this was the best Sunday ever. Sounds of bliss in my world. Another prayer of thanks by me.

Now we are again watching Shrek before heading to bed. Lazy Sundays like this help me recharge for the upcoming week of school and after-school chaos. Todd will be home tomorrow, and we are looking forward to being a Complete Clan again...yet another prayer answered. God must be smiling on me. :)

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