the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, January 29, 2009

my favorite cocktail

3 Advil + 2 Alleve

It's not what you were expecting, I know, but this little diddy will take care of all of your pains. I became a fan of this cocktail after my 3rd C-section. The nurses explained why it worked (something about this nerve and that nerve being relieved in different ways), but all I remember is that I could walk down the hall without feeling like my guts were going to fall out. Since then, I've tried it on other aches and pains-specifically my headaches. I used to be a strictly acetaminophen girl-loved it-all forms of it really. Excedrin. Awesome! Tylenol PM. Bring it on! Now I've completely converted to Ibuprofen and Naproxen Sodium. Yum-O.

For example, Today I fought long and hard against a migraine-while I was stuck at a school subbing with no drugs in sight! I started panicking about 1 this afternoon when the thought of fluorescent lights was beginning to make my stomach turn-let alone the reality of the flourescent lights themselves. By the time I made it to the nearest gas station after school, I felt like my skull could literally not contain my brain any longer. I was making plans to call Todd to come rescue me, because I was incapable of operating the car. I wanted to curl up in the fetal position, be as still as an oppossum playing dead, and leave this cruel cruel world.

Enter Cocktail.

Literally 20 minutes later I felt the weight lift from behind my eyes. The world seemed like such a nice place to live, and my kids' laughing sounded like a harmonious lullabye rather than nails on a chalkboard.

I'm not high. Just grateful. My good deed for the day is passing along this vital information. Go forth and be pain free.


natalie said...

Wow, that sounds like a lot. I will have to pass that on Chad. Unfortunately for me, I can't take anything with ibuprofen or aspirin. Darn...

so not mother of the year said...

I have enjoyed this cocktail after learning from you - even took one yesterday as well! Smart girl - good stuff!

Soña said...

That sounds lovely. Someday I'll have to try it, once I'm allowed Advil and Alleve again.

Harry said...

geez, jason would die if he read this. he takes ONE advil at a time. and then i laugh at him. and then he says,"it IS the recommended dosage, you drug addict."

and then i laugh at him some more.

Bean Counter said...

Im with Jason, I think my wife is pushing drugs and I kinda have a problem with it. I have probably taken less than 100 such capsules in my entire life. no kidding...just feel like my body should take care of my aches and pains...but luckily for me I don't really ever have any. I know...I suck!

Dr. G said...

I do the same for a severe headache except I had a caffeinated beverage with it.

Bean Counter said...

Well the doc prescribed it so it must be golden. Carry on! Maybe one of these days I will have an opportunity to use it in the future.