the story of growing up Scroggins

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hiking the Grand Canyon...Check!

I was relieved to get my Grand Canyon backcountry permit in the mail this week. Anyone who knows me well, knows that this is something I have always wanted to check off the old preverbial list. For those that don't know, a permit is required for any overnight stays in the canyon and the permits are not easy to come by as the park service attempts to limit the number of footprints in this pristine environment. I will be taking this adventure with my sainted mother and sister in May. Danielle and I attempted this hike "into Hell", as Danielle fondly refers to it, almost 11 years ago. It was part of our month long grand adventure across the western U.S. I don't think either one of us knew what we were in for, but it seemed like an experience worth trying. We were going to attempt to hike from the north rim of the Grand Canyon to the Colorado river and back up to the north rim in 4 days. This would have involved 28 miles of hiking, approximately 14,000 feet of elevation change (down then back up), 3 nights of roughing it, while carrying close to 50 lbs of gear on my back (yes that is back). Did I mention that it was about 30 degrees when we started the hike and that 6 hours and 8 miles later it was 110 degrees at our first campsite. As it turned out this would be our halfway point and we would not make it to the river. Danielle had decided that carrying her canteen was a hassle and placed it in her backpack where it was not easily accessible. She quickly became dehydrated later that afternoon when we stopped to set up camp. Hiding from the sun within the canyon walls is almost impossible as well and this did not help the situation. I was really concerned for her well being as she was not able to keep water down for a good part of the afternoon. I made the executive decision that we would hike back out the next morning. I have to admit Dani was a trooper and was willing to keep going, but my heart of hearts told me I needed to get her out of this big hole in the ground. So at 5 a.m. the following morning we packed up from that campsite and retraced our steps back to the top. She will tell you that I left her in the Grand Canyon...well ok I did...but I was tired of stopping every 5 minutes the last few miles of the hike out. I finally kept on going. I was a little surprised when she hiked out 45 minutes after me, but she made it and we were both better for the experience. There are so many side stories on this 30 hour adventure, but I will save them for another time. My main point here is that I will finally get the opportunity to complete this adventure soon. I wish I could talk Dani into giving this one more try, but she is so "been there, done that" and will tell anyone that "it is much more beautiful from the top". Making it to the river did not matter to her. Here is to hoping I finally check it off the list even if it took me 11 years to get back.


Danielle M. Scroggins said...

First of all, let me say that we didn't finish the hike because our permit was for the wrong day and Todd was afraid we would be kicked out of the canyon. My dehydration/5th degree sunburn/migraine were just details to convince him to leave the big hole in the ground early. Secondly, not only did Todd leave me in the Canyon-but he also almost let me slip to my death around the place of this pic. Slippery little sucker. I'm glad Todd will be able to cross this off his list-I'll be home nowhere near that hole int he ground. :)

Soña said...

Congratulations Todd on getting the permit. I recall clearly Danielle's recitation of the hike from hell and I have to say I'm impressed she agreed in the first place. Your Mom and sister must've been drunk when they agreed.

Goags89 said...

I am working to try to get in good enough shape to go----honestly I was hoping for a September hike for a little more time.

Our Mother may have been drunk when she agreed but she will generally do whatever Todd tells her to.

luviejewel said...

I told Becky she should rent a donkey to ride, but she's afraid it will fall off the I bet you guys will have a blast, a nice family outing, lots of bonding time.

Bean Counter said...

You are hiking the grand canyon...not climbing Mt. Everest!