the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

roll over, I'm crowded...

"There were ten in the bed and the little one said, roll over, I'm they all rolled over and one fell out...."

I can only wish one would fall out.

1:00 a.m. Chrissy snuggles ON my feet. ( I don't really mind kitty snuggles, but this is an important detail.)

4:00 a.m. Tanner has a bad dream and asks to get in bed with us. I roll over. This is ok, Tanner is the best snuggler in the house, and doesn't steal the covers.

5:00 a.m. Madison needs to snuggle, and asks to get in bed with us. I roll over. I grumble a little. Madison doesn't know the difference in the mattress and your face. Limbs flail at will throughout her sleep.

6:30 a.m. Grady wakes up at his normal time, and "can't fit" between us. I roll over. Now I'm grumpy. Grady loudly vocally complains that not only is there not room for him in the bed, but he can't get under the covers that are sandwiched between the 4 of us. He never settles back down, and eventually we all stumble out of bed for the morning routine-after he kicks me in the nose in a fit of protest of some injustice in his world of sleep. Irony-there's a word.

We need a bigger bed.


Harry said...

We have a king size bed and only the TWO "hoodlums" and I still have this nightmare ALL THE TIME.

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

sadly, we have a king size bed already-i don't think they get any bigger.


what an idea! :)