the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to Reality

I was kidnapped last Friday by the Twilight series (Stephanie Meyer). I was apprehensive about reading these books because of my real-life irrational fear of vampires, but eventually I succumbed to the peer pressure all around me, and tentatively started the first of the 4 book series on Friday. Yesterday, I finished Breaking Dawn, the last of the series. Every waking (or should have been sleeping) moment in these last days was filled with my addiction to Bella and Edward.

These books are geared toward teens, which the writing style definitely reflects, but even so, I identified with the characters on an emotional level. I was instantly thrust into those crazy teenage emotions of insecurity, uncertainty, friendship and love. Through all the surface stories in these books, they truly do tell a great love story.

I mean, who doesn't want to fall in love with a life-saving, protective, intelligent, smolderingly hot vampire? :)

Now that I've broken the seal with these seemingly baby vampire books-a friend is trying to get me to read Interview with a Vampire, etc by Anne Rice, but I don't know that I can-irrational fears win out most of the time.


Harry said...

I actually started these books for a Young Adult Lit class, but read the last three just for funsies. My biggest beef: poor Bella literally can't survive without her big strong man. My little feminazi brain went nuts. In my book review for the class I went off on how completely inappropriate the message of this book was and how the thinly-veiled self-hatred Ms Meyers displays with her attack on aything "human" - like, you know, *gasp* SEX, only fuels the already rampant insecurities of teenage girls.
BUT then my little brain snuffed out my argument with just a lil ol glimpse of robert pattison.

Anonymous said...

The books reminded me of so much teenage angst I had forgotten. The sex thing didn't bother me because I thought that the message of sex = danger might be a good one for teenagers to hear again. I did not like the movie, but if they cast Dakota Fanning as Jane I'll go see the next one!

Jarhead™ said...

Dang. It's about time you posted something.