the story of growing up Scroggins

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a lenten sacrifice

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent-the 40 days before Easter. As Catholics, we make small physical sacrifices during this time, such as giving up meat on Fridays. This is really the first year we've talked about the "giving up" during Lent with our kids. I've always abstained from the meat, etc., but now with Father Todd in the house, we are more cognitive of all the Catholic Traditions. Tanner plans on giving up candy, and Madison is still overwhelmed at the idea of giving ANYTHING UP, so we'll see what she comes up with in the morning.

Which brings me to my lenten sacrifice-I'm going to give up DIET COKE for Lent. I know what some of you are thinking-that I won't last 40 minutes, let alone 40 days-but I'm going to try. Todd is also making the same sacrifice. So, now that you all know, I'll be caught red-handed if I fall off the wagon. The first test will be when I get home from Mass tomorrow night solo with all 3 kids. (Todd will be dining at Del Frisco's. Ask him what he plans on ordering-just ask him!)

I'm going to go figure out the coffee maker now.


so not mother of the year said...

I can think of no larger sacrifice for you - you have already shown us that you can do without your cell phone.....

Does Coke Zero count? I have a case at my house I will share with you!

natalie said...

Good for you! Thanks for the information... I will make sure we have no diet coke in the house. Any other beverages you would like instead? We always have such the variety...hmm beer/water/milk. It order of importance.

Anonymous said...

You'll be okay . . . I promise. The first few days will be rough, but you'll make it. :)

Soña said...

Wow! That's a big one - good luck, you can do it. And if not I can give you my confirmation nun's chat about her thoughts on Lenten sacrifices and the false comparison of giving up our foods and drinks to Christ's trials in the desert.

Harry said...

Last year I bit off more than I could chew...trying to give up sugar for Lent. Eventually, it morphed into "no high fructose corn syrup," and was still nearly impossible.

Good luck, love. We missed church tonight and I'm wondering what kind of sacrifice I'll come up with on such short notice?

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

nope. no coke zero, no diet colored caffeinated beverages for me. i had a cup of coffee this morning, and iced tea throughout the day, but i'm sooooooooooooooo missing the nutrasweet...ahhh the bitter aftertaste is calling my name!!!

Bean Counter said...

Could you stop hijacking my id!