the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

bird on a ceiling

We have birds living on our back porch. They recently constructed a lovely establishment, I'm sure the envy of all their little friends, on our back porch speakers. Todd was not excited about the construction, but I refused to let him demolish the homestead these little guys worked on so diligently for 2 weeks! Such reckless behavior would have left them homeless! and I'm sure there are babies on the way! It's our job to help provide a little comfort for them during this stage of their life-until they get back on their own feet anyway, and find a nice tree of their own to call home.

I'm cracking myself up-

Anyway, last night-when Todd took the dogs outside for their "evening business", one of the birds FLEW IN THE HOUSE! It was the most hilarious site to watch Todd run all over the living room, stopping every now and then to JUMP UP AND TRY TO CATCH THE BIRD. He opened all the doors and tried to herd the bird out, and cussed me occassionally for not helping. I gently explained that birds are not herd animals, and it was just going to have to find the exit on its own-independent decision making skills are vital for survival you know. :)

Eventually, the bird did fly out the open door and we all settled back down. It was a funny 15 minutes though. Laugh out loud funny I tell ya.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear Todd's version of this....Come on Todd, where have you been???

Bean Counter said...

And it shit everywhere to boot...why is bird poop white and black?

Anonymous said...

The old man in Pure Country gave an explaination on that, but for the life of me, I can't remember what he said!!!

Cheryl Mc said...

Willy chased 3 birds into our house one morning before school last spring. I guess he really is a bird dog. :0) It took us a while to get them out of the house and made me late for work. Crazy! They are nasty little creatures.