the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Season Disclaimer

I think it is funny that most people think that if you are a CPA you must be a tax expert. Obviously we know more than most people, but we don't know everything. The reason most CPAs are not experts is because accounting has many more uses in the job world than filing taxes for people and therefore you don't have to mess with taxes except personally if you don't want to in a job function. Most intelligent CPAs can probably figure most of it out with some time to research. We did have to take some classes. But you must remember, that tax laws change and unless it is relevant to me I may not know about it. The reason I say this is because more than 2 people were asking me for advice on April 14th (the day before their returns were due!) I will help anyone, but I need ample time to make sure I tell you the right thing. (Stepping off the soap box now!)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I know, I know...I always called my dad and he worked for the IRS and still did not know it all. Every year now, I get an official "book" of all the tax crap for the year. Thanks Dad!