the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, April 19, 2009

girl scout campount-year 2

This weekend, Madison and I adventured to Lake Murray with her Girl Scout Troop. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical of the potential for superfun given our forecast of cold and rain. BUT-it turned out to be a lovely weekend of giggles and fun for the girls and their leaders.

We arrived Friday night to set up camp, and started the excitement with hot dogs and snickerdoodles. Yum. Saturday morning we headed to Tucker Tower for a workshop on animals headed by a real live conservationist. She was a little dramatic with the many animal skins and stuffed animals, but the girls were througholy engrossed-as you can see.After the show and tell, the girls made animal footprint casts from molds. Crafty Madison totally grooved on this. I have to brag, our girls listened and behaved like angels throughout the entire workshop. We were proud.

While the molds dried, the girls went to the top of the tower, and Madison snapped these landscape pics. She's dying for a "real camera" of her own. Guess she does take after her mom in some ways!
We headed back to camp, went on a hike, and made "dinner packets" that we cooked in the coals of our campfire. Along the way, the girls played "truth or dare", "I Spy", and just gabbed the way girls do. Saturday night we attended a bonfire with all the troops camping. The girls sang a song they made up, and watched the other skits. The night ended by retiring an American Flag in the bonfire. Madison and I both got a little teary as the owner of the flag described how that flag was flown everyday by her Great Grandparents when their 5 sons were fighting in WWII. I guess Madison's a little like her mom in other ways too.

Sunday we closed camp with a morning service thanking God for all the wonderful people and blessings He has given us. Overall-a wonderfully successful event thanks to our super fantastic troop leaders-troop leaders that made me laugh out loud all weekend! Definitely one for the memory books! :)

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