the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Big Kid Fun

We had big fun this weekend! One of my most favorite people, Brandi (and her lovely family) came to visit. They rolled in about 8 Friday night, and we began the immediate comfortable conversation of old friends. We sat on the back porch sipping beverages and telling wonderful stories, both old and new. Saturday, we parted ways for a few hours while they spent some quality time with family still living here, and Todd and I spent some productive time getting dinner and spirits ready for another night of relaxing fun. Shelly and Jared came over for round 2, and we again laughed around the dinner table for hours and hours. With still so much to talk about, Brandi and I forced ourselves to go to bed around 2 this morning. I guess we wanted to soak up each second of that quality time; it's great to be blessed with such good people in my life-people that make me feel happy.

During all of the big grown up fun, our kids had wonderful little person fun. They spent most of the time in the backyard on the trampoline, but also went a hike, colored, played Wii, Star Wars, and Barbies (depending on how teams were divided.) There were even a few slumber parties thrown in for extra super bonding fun. Our families don't see eachother often, so it was neat to see our kids form their own little relationships and realize their own common ground.

Here's to a great weekend with wonderful friends! We miss you guys already! :)

1 comment:

Harry said...

Wonderful weekend! Asked the kids their favorite part - they couldn't decide. It was THAT good!

Thanks again!!!