the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, April 9, 2009

young chivalry

6th graders are funny-especially watching them navigate the "I want to play on the playground, but she's kinda cute" emotions.

One boy in particular is so twitterpated with his little girlfriend, that he acts like a super freak in class-even bringing lego toys to class one day. Toys. Good grief! I think he's just so excited that she's in his atmosphere that he can't reign in his actions completely. Despite the superfreakness, he's a super neat kid. He makes me laugh everyday. And, he walks his girl to every class, either carrying her books or her bookbag. Today, he pulled out her chair for her as she sat in her desk.

It's just neat to a boy turning into a nice young man-to already know that those little things make his girl feel like a princess. I hope it sticks. I have a feeling it just might.

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