the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

if ever there was a day to drink a diet coke, this was it

Grady broke his arm yesterday.

Yes, the first broken bone of the Scroggins house belongs to Grady, the one with such a history already. I guess I'm due-I put my parents through many ER trips, casts, crutches, stitches, and ace bandages. I just didn't expect the payback to start at age 3...I was ready for it to start in just a few more years.

God's funny with his little plan sometimes, isn't He?

Yesterday, when I went to pick Grady up from his "bigger and stronger school", his class was on the playground. Just as I turned the corner, Grady fell out of one of those Little Tyke cars onto the ground-something he does constantly, but this time his weight landed just a little too hard on his forearm. He didn't buffer his fall with his butt, or other arm, or side, or anything-nothing hit the ground but his arm. Needless to say, he was very upset at that time, but he seemed to become increasingly more upset as we drove away. Plus, he only wanted Todd. "I want my Daddy. He's my best friend!" So, I called Todd-told him about the incident, and asked if we could drop by work for a minute. We did, and by that time I had decided Grady wasn't using his left arm-at all. After Grady (very pitifully) explained to Todd that he was his best friend, we all headed to the clinic for an xray. Once there, we called our pediatrician who then sent us straight to the Imaging Center.

As a sidenote, we have developed a unique relationship with our pediatrician, and now when we call-she knows there is usually something that needs immediate response. You might remember Madison somehow wedging her earring back into her ear, or Tanner's spider bite turned infection. Those are just the most recent traumas we've experienced. There are many others that I could add to the list. I'm not sure why we are so susceptible to these moments, so I'm going to go with God's plan again. He only gives us what we can handle, right? I guess he thinks I'm pretty stable. He's so silly.

But back to the story-Grady survived the Xray, with his emotions not too out of whack. The radiologist confirmed the break, and our beloved pediatrician called me with the plan: Wrap overnight with an ace bandage, and head to her office in the morning for splinting or casting. So, this morning-that's what we did. I can't believe how well Grady sat and let the nurse do her thing, but he did. Once the cast was on, he proceeded to bang his arm on everything since 1-it didn't hurt anymore, and 2-it was a "rock". We celebrated with donuts and a new toy. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing at home-out of the rain.

Grandad stopped by with a "get better soon" present, and was the first to sign the cast. (He even brought his own sharpie!). Gran bonded with him for a few minutes while I ran Madison to gymnastics, and Grandmom left a little surprise on our kitchen counter while we were out. He seems to be managing the new appendage pretty well, but, overall-an exhausting day. really.


Anonymous said...

POOR little dude! how nice of grandad! :-)

--Aunt Patti

Bean Counter said...


natalie said...

Finally catching up on your blog... You lead such an exciting life. I know who to call when we have our first "experience". It will be Reagan I already know that. She will be our "boy". Glad he is ok now.

Harry said...

pobrecito! though I have to say, my broken arm was kind of the highlight of my childhood. The whole cast thing is cool (if a bit gross/itchy). Tell him to feel better!!

Anonymous said...

A friend put me onto your site because you focus so much on your kids which they thought was awesome. I agree. We have been displeased with our children's care by our family practitioner. We are looking for a good pediatrician in Wise County. Can you tell me who you use that you have mentioned you really like?

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

Thanks so much for the kudos. :) We use Amanda Lovette in Decatur. She's amazing.

so not mother of the year said...

I don't think the cast slows down Grady boy a bit. I liked the green cast - just in time for St. Patrick's day next week!

Bgirl - you are the first thought I had when the word cast was used this week. You had the coolest cast ever - I tried describing to my hubby yesterday....the flower detail was top notch (especially to a 10-year old!

Harry said...

It was a rose and I painted it red. Sooo cheesy!