the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, March 19, 2009

all about me

Today, I met my friend, Sona, at Babies R Us to help her register. SO SUPER FUN! It was such a different experience from when I tried to register 8 years ago-only to leave in tears. I can't believe how much knowledge I have of all those products that were so foreign to me when Madison was a baby. I guess I have learned something! Of course there were some new inventions, like the way cool paci-purse, and a bottle mixer (!), but most things were old hat, and hopefully, I didn't sound too bossy explaining their necessity. Ok, I was pretty bossy one time-Sona thought she didn't need a pack-n-play. She explained that she had a crib and a cradle, so didn't see the need in another sleeping place for baby. I ever-so-nicely explained that the pack-n-play could be set up in the living room for sleeping baby, in the yard for crawling baby, and in a hotel for traveling baby. So, she fell to my peer pressure when we found one that matched her crib bedding. Nothing like mixing and matching to push the argument over the edge!! She won't be sorry though, even the Babies R Us-father of 3-ex marine-worker guy (bloggable issue on its own right there!) was a little shocked that I had to lay on the pressure for that one. :) We registered for over 150 items, and I think have enough variety for Sona and Kevin to have a little stash here and there for each stage of baby-ness and toddler-ness. I have to admit, looking at all the baby stuff did make me yearn for when my babies were babies-but not necessarily to go back to that time. There's something to be said for the ability to use the potty and to read. :)

From there, we had a lovely lunch and chatted the early afternoon hours away. I'm pretty sure our waiter was ready for us to pack up, because our table was shiny clean when we returned from a superfast potty break. I guess it was time to part ways anyway, and Sona headed home to drift into a well earned nap!

Only then, did I realize I had the entire afternoon to myself if I took advantage of it-so I did! I felt a little guilty at the realization and abuse of my newfound freedom, but trudged on anyway. I spent the rest of the afternoon browsing Old Navy, listening to my OWN MUSIC (Todd Snider!), sipping iced tea (blah), grocery shopping (alone!!), and getting my toes done (flip flop season is here!). I savored each moment of doing ONLY what I wanted to do, and concentrating on recharging my spirit from the past crazy week.

I arrived home refreshed, calm, and ready to tackle my reunited family-which is good since Madison is coughing up a lung and delirious with fever. Here we go again...


natalie said...

What a great day! Totally agree about the pack n play as I am packing up for our afternoon at my sister's and then off to Crockett. Congrats to Sona!

Soña said...

Thanks again Danielle! I had the best time, and ya, that pack n play will come in handy. You were right, I imagine you'll get used to hearing that.

And poor Madison! I'm glad you got an afternoon to yourself before you had to deal with sick Madison but I hope it goes away quickly.

Anonymous said...

i'm about to go shopping with alaina, i'll pass on the wisdom!
