the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, March 16, 2009

this can't be for real

When Todd is out of town I become quite the insomniac. I guess I feel safer with my big strong man around. right.

So, while I was watching TV in the late hours of the night, or early hours of the morning depending on your perspective, I was slapped with a commercial for this website.

How weird is that?? Is that how it is out there in the dating world?? If so, I'm enrolling my kids in a convent and monastery ASAP. I can do that, right?


Jarhead™ said...

I didn't click on the link. I'm afraid it would offend my sensibilities.

"...I feel safer with my big strong man around."

You need a gun. Wait. I forgot: you're one of those "L-Words." No guns for you [or anyone else:)]!

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

it would offend! i can't believe such a site exists!

and no, i'd prefer not to have firearms within a 15 mile radius of my parents and sister on the other hand continually discuss their concealed firearms. i'm pretty sure i'm adopted.

i have my big strong dogs and cat to protect me. only love and peace in this house. :)

Anonymous said...

oh come on...i dont have a firearm YET...still deciding! :-)


Jarhead™ said...


Do you have a blog? Post a link. I think I'll like yours more than icky Danielle's. ;)

:) That's just a joke, D. But you probably are adopted.

Bean Counter said...

Dani lies...we have guns and we both believe people should have the right to have guns. I keep the basics around the house. Three 22s, a 12 gauge and a 20 gauge. I hope to have my Grandads "Sweet 16" someday if I am fortunate enough to inherit it. These are the types of guns I find to be the most reasonable. I am not a deer hunter, but I can appreciate the need for a high powered rifle if you are one. While I personally believe you should have the right to have any kind of gun you want,I don't see any need for anyone having any sort of automatic weapon. I can't see the true need for this, unless, either you are gang banging, part of SWAT team or maybe you are a true conspiracy theorist who believes we may need to take arms against our government someday. What exactly do you hunt with a M-16? Oh, that is right...people! Like I said, you should have the right, but I don't understand the need. I guess it is just good ole fashion red neck fun, eh! ;) Dani's big deal is fear of one of our kids doing something stupid with a gun. I tell her all of the time that they need to be around them to respect them. We are still finding middle ground here.