the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, March 13, 2009

Extraordinary Eagle

Tanner was picked as an Extraordinary Eagle this six weeks!! Normally, I wouldn't be so braggish, but this year has been o-so-trying for us. I'm not sure what I've done as a mom, but so far-with both kids-kindergarten has been a challenge in the behavior department. It's not like they've burned down the school, but "signing folders" and "pulling cards" are regular phrases around here. I've explained to them both that their job is to learn how to BE A GOOD STUDENT, and to BE SOMEONE THE TEACHER CAN COUNT ON. Maybe it's sunk in a little, or maybe it's just Tanner's lucky Chuck E. Cheese coin that he's started carting back and forth to class. Either way, I'm glad we've made some progress, and Tanner has made at least one connection on how to behave as a model student. :)


Kristina said...

Way to go Tanner! We can relate to the Kindergarten issues. With our oldest we got an almost daily note that said, "Struggled to remain calm", once he entered first grade it improved dramatically, but preschool and kindergarten were challenges.

Harry said...

yep, H had to report to the "responsible thinking center" way too much in Kindergarten and A's newest problem has been (and I quote), "my teacher thinks I do too much nonsense!" Soooo, way to go Tanner! Let us know your secret!

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

it's so good to know that other people have gone through this!! :) i'm afraid there isn't a secret though-unless you count the chuck e cheese coin?