the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, March 6, 2009

19 Minutes-Jodi Picoult

I've been trying to write a post on my most recent Book Club pick, 19 Minutes, but it hasn't been coming out the right way. It's almost like there is too much to say-that I can't really give it justice with my own words. So, I'll just say-it's really really good, which is odd to say since it's about a school shooting. That may be the main reason I'm having such a difficult time putting the pencil to the paper on this one-I guess I have a little inner turmoil recommending something so somber.

As a teacher and a parent, I feel connected on both sides of this issue-but this book connected the two sides in an unexpected way. If you don't have this on your reading list, add it. But-make sure you have someone to discuss it with after you've finished. You'll want to.

1 comment:

so not mother of the year said...

The most diffcult thing is the look on peoples' faces when you describe this book. To say that you love the most recent book you are reading and it it is about a school shooting is odd. The book really got me talking to my oldest son about bullying. Ongoing constant conversation is what I take away fromt his book and discussion. Wow - so heavy. Where are the fluffy books? This one is too good for me!