the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, March 15, 2009

House of Crazy

So, I reported on Grady's broken arm earlier this week. We've adjusted to the cast around here, other than submerging it once in the bathtub. It looks like I'm going to have to call the Dr. and ask for recasting tomorrow...

Well, Friday-Tanner fell of the stool in the kitchen and subsequently broke his big toe (per my diagnosis). It's pretty black and swollen, so I've taped it to his other toe and will make note of it tomorrow at the pediatrician.

Also-there are 4 pink eyes in this house at the latest count. One more question for our pediatrician. I wonder if I will have to pay like 40 copays for all these?

Oh! How could I forget...Todd picked up a lost puppy last week. He has been "looking for it's home" all this week, and in the meantime the kids have named it Marley and fallen in love with it. Anyone need a dog?

Todd and Madison ran away from this house of crazy to go skiing for spring break. Todd's master plan is to take each kid individually so that when we go as a family we won't be so beat down teaching 3 kids to ski. In the meantime, I'm here with the boys and all this chaos.

Tell me, other houses are equally crazy, right? It's not just us, is it??

and still-no diet coke for me. :(

1 comment:

Harry said...

Dude. Your house (this week) is crazier than most, I would have to admit. Just the injuries alone!

But, don't worry, the baton will be passed shortly and you'll be all, "Geez, at least things aren't as nuts as ____'s house."

I think.

Good luck this week!!