the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

a study in contagious disease

Grady---->Tanner---->Madison---->Abby (cousin)---->Todd---->Gary---->Elaine (Todd's Coworker)---->Audit Team Member (also working with Todd)---->Danielle---->Becky?

This is the path pink eye has taken through our house in the last 2 weeks. Personally, I am very fearful of this particular infection and have dry, brittle hands from washing them so often from the onslaught of our infestation. Yesterday, however, my eyes started feeling a little muddled. I've been self medicating since that time. Todd's eyes look like they have been turned inside out, and I'm paranoid we are going to start the entire process over again if we don't kick this in its little pink booty.

Moral of the story: Wash your hands every minute of every day, and quarantine yourself and your family.

Also: stay away from our house! yikes!


Harry said...

couple of things...
first, do you mean "self-medicating" as in you're doing some hard drugs/drinkin' scotch/whathaveyou, or do you mean "self-medicating" as in you stole some of your kids' pink eye meds and are applying them without a prescription? Either way, thumbs up.
second, my eyes are itching and watering just from reading this. We hates the pink eye, does we.

Anonymous said...

-----> Jason

He thinks he got it from Todd. And I love how Todd says he has "conjunctivitis", not "pink eye." That sounds much cooler. :)