the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yesterday was whirlwind.

I gathered my children and courage and headed to Children's Medical in Dallas for Grady's last monthly check-up following his E. Coli infection last summer.

Everything was perfect. His labs were perfect for the first time since the sickness. His attitude was perfect. We were able to not only get the hospital band on his leg, but also get an accurate blood pressure reading. He didn't cry. He didn't ask to leave. He peed in a cup. The Other Hoodlums were perfect during the 2 hour appointment, and didn't touch every piece of medical equipment in the 5 mile area. The Doctor was perfect, and told me only perfect things. Grady is on the positive end of all the statistics. We don't have to go back again for one year. Perfect.

I left that office so triumphant, so high on life. It was such a different feeling than what we had last summer while walking those exact halls. I almost ran out of there before something could break the spell.

Looking at these two pictures-one from last summer, and one from just a few days ago-I'm in awe of what he went through, and where he is now. I worry about what doctor phobias he might have in the future, and wonder where we will be on that long term statistic list. I think about what the experience taught me, and what it was meant to teach all of us. Mostly, I'm so thankful to have healthy, happy kids. I'm so thankful to be here, and to share my days with them.


Natalie said...

So glad! Give him a big hug from Mackenzie and Reagan!

Soña said...

Amen. Everything you said is so true and I'm so happy for all of you that you turned this 1-year corner. And whoa! he peed in a cup? That's pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

Grady is awesome and resilient!

Harry said...

Go Grady! And his brave Mama!

Jarhead™ said...

I'm a big critic of the names parents give their children, but I have to admit... Grady is a cool name.