the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, August 25, 2008

The First Day

We survived.

We were dressed and at the breakfast table by 7 this morning. I doubt we will see such eager faces once the routine has settled in, but it was fun to see them so excited this morning. We took offical first day pictures by the front door... new packpacks and lunchboxes from Aunt Patti in hand.

Grady was convinced he was going to school too, and wore his packpack along with Madison and Tanner. I didn't let on that he wasn't going to be staying with sister and brother-just hoped for the best. Todd and I both made the pilgrimmage to each classroom. We dropped Tanner off first, and I just watched as he found his cubby and seat. He plopped down and began working-that was that! Madison was actually a little nervous this morning; I was surprised. I know that excited nervous feeling though-I willed her to have an awesome day.

That's when my eyes began to water. By now you know the sap that is me-and yes, there were tears today. I didn't attend the official Boo Hoo Breakfast, opting for McDonald's with Grady and Todd instead. At first Grady was a little lost without Tanner, saying he needed help-Tanner was at school. I was a little surprised by that sentence in general, and even more surprised when Grady mastered the big steps in the playground. He did it all by himself.

It's just the two of us this year, and while I'm looking forward to that special time, I actually do miss the other Hoodlums. I'm broken. :) I couldn't wait for their reports when they got home, hoping all their expectations were met and exceeded. They had wonderful days and are just as eager to get up tomorrow morning. The Todd bus leaves at 7:35; Grady and I will be here when they get home waiting to hear about Day 2.


Anonymous said...

They all look so grown up!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! That is so cool, I teared up with you when I was reading it. :) I know that had the best day ever! Keep on blogging I love this site, might have to wade in myself.... we'll see.

Anonymous said...

i'm crying...omg, CRYING! -aunt patti

Jarhead™ said...

Those are such "first day of school" pictures ~ the ones in front of the door.

Somewhere I have a picture that looks just like that on my first day of first grade. Okay, well not exactly like that... I was totally dressed in 70s clothes and had shaggy hair. Nowhere near as clean cut as your three.

Say hello to Tood ;) ~ we miss you guys!