the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, August 22, 2008

Meet the Teacher

Last night we met teachers-one for Tanner and one for Madison. We are going to have TWO kids in school this year. I fear the craziness will multiply exponentially. In any case, the kids were beyond excited to take their school supplies to their room, find their desk, and see who was in their class!!!!!!!!!!!! (hopefully all those exclamation points give you an idea of the crazy excitement!!!!!!!!) Tanner has one super good friend in his class-we dutifully warned the teacher of their love/hate best friendship. I'm excited for him. He's so big. Madison was ecstatic to find that she knew almost all the kids in her class, and I was super pumped that those kid's moms-they are friends of mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that excitement is a contagious thing.) She has real textbooks this year, and folders for each subject. THAT means we get to start ORGANIZING. I'm looking forward to see her move from learning about school to learning from school.

Tons of happiness at this house right now. School days, school days....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Organizing...that seems to be all we do around this damn house!!! How about that for explanation points!!!!!!!