the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, August 24, 2008

we've gotta say goodbye to the summer...

Today was (I guess) the official last day of summer for us. Tanner's been longing for this day all summer long. He might be the only kid in the universe who continually asked throughout the summer if 'this was the last day.' The excitement of kindergarten-never again do you feel that I guess? We spent the day watching Big, and as usual, working out in the yard. That's become our newest favorite past time-or obsession, whichever way you want to call it...We finished out the day with dinner on the back porch, and reflected on some of the summer fun...

Madison reading books to the boys-this is something else that Tanner can not WAIT to do. He wants to read more than eat these days, which is saying more than you know! Grady already thinks he can read, so he's over it.

Growing sunflowers, and anything else we could get our hands on. We managed to grow TONS of grass (the lawn kind, in case that made you wonder!)-which made Todd really happy. We planted 8 trees? I'm hoping for more soon with the cooler fall weather. (hint, hint Todd!) The kids and I spent hours and hours outside planting, watering, and nurturing our babies. They complained some-fear not-but they might have learned a few "playing outside skills" that I think are darn important! They sweat a lot too-always a good thing.

Spending TONS of time at the lake-both Nocona and Bridgeport. This is probably our most favorite summertime activity. We love lounging with our favorite book (notice the bookworm to the left), riding on the boat, the jetski, swimming, and just taking the time out to spend with eachother. We're pretty funny I guess. :)

We spent our Wednesdays with Playgroup going on TONS of fun field trips (peach picking pic here), and sometimes just hanging at a park-all the time building friendships and (for Grady) learning to SHARE!! (big milestone that sharing crap.)

I still have miles and miles to go on finishing my never ending to-do list. There are lists of projects I didn't get to, and right now as I take the time to write and upload, my floors are dirty and there is laundry in the dryer. I have to force myself to stop down and take in the moment-the moments of the summer my kids were 7, 5, and 2. The first summer we were in this new house. The summer before Tanner started school, and Madison moved up to 2nd grade. The summer we started teaching Grady all about the potty. The summer Todd and I celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary. It was just another summer, but these moments made it special.

The backpacks are packed. The lunches are made. School clothes are laid out, and children are sleeping. The bell rings tomorrow at 7:55, and we are off to start the school year.


Natalie said...

I don't know how I am going to do that school thing. I will be sure to get some advice from you in two years. I look forward to seeing how their day went.

Anonymous said...

ahhh, how special! this post really made my day :-)

Kristina said...

It is hard to let summer go. I hope the first day of Kindergarten was all your little guy hoped it would be.