the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, December 1, 2008

Traumatically Tanner

Tanner is me. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and is hopelessly clumsy.

Example #1: During one of our Thanksgiving Dinners, I thought I saw Tanner wiggle a tooth-so I asked him about it. Big mistake on my part-He replied with, "No, I'm never going to lose a tooth. Madison already lost one by this age." The look on his face says it all. I of course assured him that he would indeed lose all his teeth one day, and the tooth fairy would visit him as well. Poor Guy.
Example #2: I noticed a bug bite on Tanner's arm Thursday morning-you can see a little dot near his wrist in the picture above. It seemed a little larger than normal, but nothing to cause me great concern. Friday, there was a red circle around this bug bite, and by Saturday morning his arm was swollen and hot to the touch. I freaked a bit at the hot to the touch part, and took him to the nearest Medical Clinic. While we were there, I noticed an intense red rash taking over his entire body-looking more like hives than anything else. Suppressing my further freaked-outedness, I explained all these symptoms to the Doc. She diagnosed Tanner with a spider bite turned skin infection, and a secondary allergic reaction to "something." The treatment involved 2 shots-cortizone and an antibiotic. He took them like a man, and didn't start losing it for about 10 minutes as the antibiotic shot continued to work its way through his leg. Big steps for my Little Man. We swung by Sonic for a celebratory chocolate shake, and he spent the rest of the day limping around on that leg. The bite looks a thousand times better today, and he's still pretty proud of his battle wounds. He's a tough little softie. :)

1 comment:

House said...

Ugh...I would of been freaking right there with you! Glad he handled it okay, and he's doing better!