the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, December 8, 2008


My sister called this morning from the Methodist Hospital in Houston. She was admitted at 5AM with an appendicitis. She told me to hold off calling the masses until she knew her diagnosis for certain, but I set the balls in motion despite her request. I called my mom, told her the news, and we made the plan for her to drive to Houston this afternoon. 2 hours later, I met my mom with a packed suitcase and GPS ready to go. She arrived in Houston just as Patti was in surgery recovery. Patti's resting now-despite an absent appendix.

The kids heard me talking to Todd, Mom, and Tony-Patti's boyfriend. Madison was most worried when she heard Aunt Patti was having surgery. I explained one of Patti's organs wasn't working, so the doctors were taking it out. That satisfied her, and she explained such to Tanner. These are the benefits of having a science nerd for a mom. :)

I'm sending good thoughts Patti's way-and wish Houston were closer so that I too could read her a bedtime story as she sleeps off the morphine. Lots of Love...


natalie said...

We too are wishing for a speedy recovery. Life is never dull, is it?

Soña said...

Glad you updated the blog. I'll be thinking of Patti. When does she go home?

Harry said...

good thoughts being sent south.

Bean Counter said...

That might just be a HIPPA violation! :)

Anonymous said...

what is a hippa violation? I'm feeling much better all, thank you for all your good thoughts. Mom is here and taking great care of me...i can almost stand up straight and vicatin is AWESOME! thank you to all!
