the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

O Happy Day!!!

Today I FINALLY got my phone back in working order after almost 4 WEEKS! Just imagine not having a cell phone for a month. Try. Now I triple dog dare you to actually go without your phone for one day-just one day. You'll be amazed. Truly.
I won't go into the nitty gritty of the drama between the Palm Warranty people and the Sprint Store-but you can imagine-4 weeks, no phone, extreme drama. Grrr. I'm letting it roll of my back though. Totally letting it roll...Big Breaths.
In any case, it was a serious handicap in my daily life not having my cell phone. I normally make all my phone calls in the car while driving kids to and fro. I had to actually sit at my house and make time to make phone calls! Plus, there was nothing to do while I waited in the parent pick up line at school-major bummer. One evening, I followed a friend to downtown Fort Worth and got separated. I felt like the ant that got separated from the rest of the ant trail. I was ON MY OWN wandering around downtown hoping I was on the right road. Very scary feeling being "lost" from your people.
Making plans turned into a major ordeal. I had to plan and coordinate everything from home-no changing anything the spur of the moment. Noone could get in touch with me-ever. I was only in contact with the outside world from home base, and in reality-I'm not here that much. Quote of the Year, "How does one get a hold of Danielle anyway?" Another major issue-my calendar was only in my head-not the most trustworthy place. I almost missed Madison's first basketball practice last night because of no beeping reminder. A random phone call from Gran got her there on time.
So, now I have my phone back. I have my contacts, my email, my calendar, my texting...o happy happy day. I'm connected and interconnected. Feel free to text me about it. :)

1 comment:

Bean Counter said...

At least the November bill will be down! ;)