the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, June 19, 2009

the summer of dogs

We picked Marley up from the Vet this morning. He had his manhood, ah-hem, removed. He also had a few of those floppy toes taken off. Tough day for the little puppy. Apparently, he wasn't a very good patient, and kept licking his wounds. They solved the problem with this "cone of shame" as the kids call it, and said he has to wear it for 10 DAYS! Poor little guy. :( Even the vet felt a little sorry for him, and told Todd he was a "pretty sweet dog." Todd agreed and marveled at our luck since He found Us, but the Vet just shook his head and noted that it probably wasn't planned that way. He said, in fact, Windy sent for him-just when we knew we would need him. Of course, we agreed. Dog people-we are a strange breed.


Anonymous said...

*tear! omg, i never thought of it that way! Marley and tini can talk about the cone of shame...

--aunt patti

Anonymous said...

The summer has to be better for Marley after this!!!!

Anonymous said...

Drake had to wear one of these after he tore up his leg on a barb wire fence chasing a rabbit and wouldn't leave the stitches and bandage alone. Beware, he completely scratched up our walls and door jams with it and most of the house at about 2 feet tall had to be repainted.
Hope he feels better soon
Mrs. Jar