the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch?

A few weeks ago, I noticed a plant I didn't recognize growing in my flower bed. I let it be, not quite remembering what we planted last summer, and hoping it was just a wonderful surprise of something that "came back." Fast forward to last week. I was at my Mother-in-Law's house harvesting some free flowers for our endless landscaping projects, and she showed me a pumpkin plant that had decided to grow in her compost pile. Cool. Plants are like that at her house. They just "grow" and "take over." Not so much over here, but we're learning. Anyway, as I was working near the Fort, I noticed this little beauty above. Same plant. Pumpkin Plant. Proof here:
Now that I know what the plant looks like, I've discovered no less than 5 pumpkin plants growing around the yard-one in the front flower bed. How did they get there? Well, we just sort of threw our Halloween pumpkins back there when we turned our focus to Christmas. I guess pumpkins don't take too much TLC to "take over." It's exciting though; we might just grow our own Jack-O-Lanterns! But it looks like there'll be extras, so maybe we'll give a few away to our friends too.


Anonymous said...

I think that is pretty cool. Will

Anonymous said...

Love the pumpkin plant!
They are just a neat plant to have!