the story of growing up Scroggins

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Spring TBall

We just finished up our second season of Tball, and Tanner loved every second. It was kind of amazing the change he made from Fall to Spring. In the fall, he was interested in hanging out with his friends, but something clicked this season and he really wanted to play well. He wanted to hit the ball into the outfield, and catch the balls that came his direction. Of course, there were moments when he was dancing in the dirt with his friends, but overall I would say much improvement over our first attempts with organized sports.
Todd helped coach this time, and I think each game was a little trip down memory lane for him. Tanner's playing at the same city parks Todd did as a kid, and there's just gotta be something to that. As usual, Grady thought he was part of the team, and asked weekly when it was hit turn to hit the ball. He'll probably faint when he actually has a team, uniform, and game of his own.
Here are the little athletes after the last game, coveted trophies in hand. Just take a gander at all the macho stances these little 6 year olds have mastered. Pretty soon, they'll be strutting around like they own the field. Wait, they already think they do. Gotta love that boy confidence.

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