the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Train Ride Playdate

Today Sharyn and I took advantage of some beautiful Spring weather, and headed to Fort Worth to ride the little train that wanders around Trinity Park. Grady was super pumped for the adventure, because not only were we headed for a REAL TRAIN RIDE, but Rubye was going to ride in HIS car. Gotta love the simplicity of a 3-year old. :)

Both Rubye and Grady sat perfectly still through the entire ride, looking at the SQUIRRELS! WATER! and TRACTORS! A pit stop for popcorn during the train ride made the entire adventure perfect in their minds.After the train ride, we headed to a nearby park for a picnic. The kids found some perfect wish-making dandelions, and spent a few minutes running around like banshees hoping to find more...

and more....and even more...
As we packed up, Sharyn and I had the brainstorm of stopping by the new Sam Moon on the way home. Go ahead and question our sanity. We did. Especially as Grady broke down because RUBYE HAD THAT PUPPY BOOOOOOOK! or as Rubye broke down because her sandwich NEEDED its bag. Ultimately, we embraced our insanity, and made the stop. It actually went more smoothly than expected-shockingly enough. Grady was quite the little shopper holding my basket, and as it turns out, Rubye loves her some accessories. I wish I'd taken a picture of the two of them crashed in the back on the way home-always a sign of a good time!


Anonymous said...

go go photographer Danielle!!! Beautiful pictures!


Natalie said...

I was thinking the same thing. When do I get to sign up for my photo shoot?

Sharyn said...

Your skills are really getting good! You might have to take up an official hobby/job!