the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Senator's Wife

Tonight my book blub met to discuus The Senator's Wife by Sue Miller. I have to admit, I was looking forward to this discussion because I thought it would be a little controversial. Without giving anything away, the title kind of describes the relationship that can happen between a husband and wife. As I get older, and more settled into my mother/wife role, I can easily see how I have evolved from "Danielle" to "Todd's wife" or "Madion's (Tanner's, Grady's) Mom." I've always thought I was above losing myself in this kind of role, yet here I am. Submissive to my position in my family. Darn it. This book lightly addresses that, and so much more. It addresses a woman's needs for friendship, sexuality, and companionship. It was interesting to hear other woman's/mom's perspectives on these issues, and how those perspectives are shaping our views for our children. I'm always up for a discussion on friendship, self-worth, and motherhood, so this book was right up my alley. A good read-just be sure to talk about that crazy ending with someone!


Harry said...

I'm a huge Sue Miller fan. Have you read Family Pictures? SO GOOD.

I'll have to check this one out, as it seems to fit perfectly into the "domestic" kind of fiction that I'm going nuts for these days!
(well, that and vampire books, but whatevs.)

CDJB said...

I've been thinking about what you said at book club the other night and read your blog about the book and I have come to realize that I am Derrick Boyd, the Attorney's Wife! This is probably what drove me to start the book club, start the "Power of a Positive Mom" bible study a few summers ago, and join bunco! I still bothers me that I am not college educated and do not work outside of my home. Especially when Derrick and I are at some function and there is a room full very successful professionals and the questions start- Where did you go to college? Well then what do you do? I should just be proud to say that I am blessed to be able to stay home and raise my children. Something I need to work on! Maybe I'll decided what I want to be when I grow up!:)

Anonymous said...

I've known for a while that you carry around a feeling of inadequacy about the college thing. But I can honestly tell you that no one cares that you didn't go to college. No one. Your life experiences are what made you who you are, which is maybe the most caring person I've ever met. Don't regret your footsteps. I for one wouldn't trade my sis-in-law for anyone else out there. And I don't think of you as Derrick's wife. You are definitely Cheri to me. We all love you for who you are. Will