the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, May 8, 2009

addicted to the facebook quiz

I admit it, I love taking those "what kind of.....are you" quizzes. It's like reading your horoscope, or reading tea leaves, things I think are also superfun, but don't take too seriously.

Apparently, the last one I took, "What crazy bitch are you?" (see how superfun??) says I'm pretty crazy. Sinead O'Conner Crazy. Which is funny, because I was her only fan in Decatur back in the good ol' days of 1989 when I was a newbie here.

"You are one fierce bitch. You are very independent and will take no bullshit from anyone but your personality is actually sort of quiet and shy. You are a natural beauty and you are very comfortable with your femininity. You don't feel the need to overdo it or go out of your way to fuss over your looks. You don't want to distract people from what you stand for and the talents you possess. You are very idealistic and will go to any extremes to stand up for what you believe in even if it creates controversy and people don't understand. Relationships can be hard for you sometimes because men feel threatened by you but time again they come running to you and realize that you are actually very sweet and motherly....until they cross you."

According to one Facebook friend, this quiz was "soooooooo fitting." Hmmph. I never thought of myself as idealistic. I mean, all we need is love, right? :)

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