the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Found Dog-again. This is becoming a habit.

But seriously, Grady and I went on a walk this morning, and found this little dog on the side of the road. He was just sitting there, very quiet and still. He looked so sad. :( I noticed he had a collar, so we looked for a tag-none found. He tried to walk over to us, but I'm afraid he's been hit by a car because he won't walk on his back leg, and it looks like something is wrong with his hip joint. We stopped at the few houses around here, and discovered he'd just shown up in the last few days. He doesn't belong around here, but he has to belong to someone. I plan to call the vets around town and see what their policy is on fixing random broken dogs. I'm also hoping he has one of those chips in his ear that will tell us who his owners are. If he belongs to you, or someone you know, then let me know. Also let me know if you were really wanting a random super sweet dog for your very own new best friend.

If not, I guess God is trying to tell us to open a animal rescue center out of our backyard. Crazy.
Update: Grady and I took the dog to the vet, and they were able to scan him for a chip. She examined him, and diagnosed him with 2 broken legs. :( They planned to give him some pain meds until they contacted his people. Overall, a successful rescue, and (bonus) we are NOT the proud owners of a new smallish somewhat cute white dog. :)

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