the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, July 9, 2009

a moment...

Where have I been? What have I been doing? Why haven't I posted?

My children are taking over my life. If not their actual person, but their laundry, messes, and STUFF.

I was looking forward to a relaxing summer, a summer of lounging at the pool, playing at the lake, and reading throughout the afternoons. Of course, me being me, I planned a few field trips here and there. Oh. and a camp or two-just in the mornings. Well, and then I threw in a few playdates once or twice. I want their friends to come over and like being here, right? And let's not forget those summer projects and to do lists. Scrapbooking, gardening, cleaning out closets, and hanging out with friends. Definite must-do items on our summer list o' fun. Plus, just a couple traveling weekends to spend quality time with Todd, and quality time with the family. And, Reunion's just right around the corner. We can't miss out on that! The in between time is filled with annoying laundry and house cleanliness issues...but wait, what in between time?

And so goes the crazy of my mind. I actually sit down with the calendar every spring and plan summer "free time." How sad is that? If I don't, we actually might go the entire summer without a few weekends at the lake, and that just won't do in the Land of Scroggins. I know it's my own doing-all this crazy busy-ness, and I really need to seek help for my inability to sit still for longer than an afternoon. I will do it though, just give me a good book. Come to think of it, that might be why Todd always picks up a novel or two for me at the store. Clever Guy. I also might be racking up evidence to convince Todd to build a pool "someday." Just think how much gas and time I would save if we had a water extravaganza right out the back door. Maybe I'm the Clever One.

Anyway, for now, I'm literally basking in my one hour break. We just returned from a quick dip at a friend's pool. I ditched Madison there; Grady fell asleep on the way home; and Tanner's in the land of cozy watching Star Wars. It's quiet and still for just a moment. (deep cleansing breaths)

Before we pack up...head out to girl scout camp...check in on some friends...water the yard...walk the dog...pack for the lake...


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