the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, July 17, 2009

I'm thinking I might...

take this blog private.

When I started this thing, it was a way for me to scrapbook our little adventures, and to share those with the family and friends who we don't get to see as often as we'd like. I didn't think much about the "outside world" looking in. I thought it was fun when I started getting some comments to my posts, and it made me smile when someone thought one of my random thoughts or ramblings was interesting. There are tons of blogs out there, and everyone writes stories, posts pictures, and talks about their everyday. But, I guess when you think about it, there are also some crazies out there that might take advantage say, of knowing that we are here in San Antonio and our house is at home all alone. I guess some of those crazies might take advantage of that, and go all Goldilocks with our stuff. There are also some different kind of crazies out there too, the ones that might stop by to see how cute my kids are. I also hadn't thought of this side-effect until Bgirl decided to quit the blogging business, hereby disappointing said Pedophile.

My first twinge of concern came when I read about this mom's family picture being stolen from her blog and pasted on a billboard in the Czech Republic. I thought, hmmm...that can't be good, and it creeped me out for a few days. But, I thought, I'm not one of those fancy mommy bloggers that tons and tons of people flock to. I'm just your average mom with your average kids in your average town. I really don't even get that many hits. But still, stranger things have happened. Still, I'm sending my information out there for all the world to see.

With all the information with Facebook, Twitter, email, texting, actual PHONE CONVERSATION, and this blogging stuff, I guess it can be a little much too much. One of Todd's sessions today was about technology, specifically Facebook and blogging. The speaker's wife had a blog, to which the speaker cautioned her constantly about sharing too much. That, in addition to my own seeds of doubt, are what sparked a lunchtime conversation with Todd, and kind of sealed the deal about having too much out there.

So, I'm not giving up the blogging business; it's just too fun, and too much of a release for me. But, as soon as I figure it out, I am going to make this particular blog strictly VIP "by approval only." From what I understand, you can just shoot me an email, and I can approve you. I'll approve probably anyone who asks, so long as I know you, and know you aren't THAT crazy.

And I'd say MOST of my friends or people I know fall into that category anyway. :)


Kristina said...

I had some of the same thoughts as I was readings Bgirl's post. Most of what I post is pretty mundane, but it does give a lot of personal info about the family. It is certainly something to think about.

Soña said...

Good idea. I think with Blogger though it's the other way around, you have to invite people to read your blog not vice versa (remember what I did?). But still bottom line, it's a good idea. Can't be too safe with the kiddos.

Anonymous said...

I can understand your fears! Sad, but true in this day! I am glad to hear you will not quit blogging. I don't always respond, but I really enjoy reading about all the things you talk about.

Harry said...

For the record...we don't actually have any internet stalkers...that I know of...I just figured I'd give a shout out to any, just in case.

My sister read daniella's post and shot off an immediate email asking if she'd missed anything.

So...just to clear that up.

Anonymous said...

"this particular blog"

are you starting another?

Bean Counter said...

Somebody's on to you!

Anonymous said...

spill the beans, bean counter!