the story of growing up Scroggins

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

General Update

So, the crick in my neck isn't completely well, but at least I can function and turn my head. Major bonus.

Secondly, Tuesday and Thursday MDO dropoff is about to give me an emotional breakdown. When we pulled up Thursday, Grady said he wanted to go to "Mommy's home". Today we pulled up and again, he wanted to "hold you" and "stay with me". I got him a little motivated by letting him lead the way. I put on his backpack and he showed me the way...where to put "my lunch", "my backpack", and then led me to the potty. We got to his class and I sat on the floor to play cars and tried to get him engaged. When I got up to leave he crawled up my leg and wanted me to "stay with him." He cried...

I'm thinking of pulling him out for now. I didn't put the other two in MDO this little, and while I enjoy the extra hours on my own to spend being productive, I can live without them. I'm so conflicted because when Tanner and Madison were in this little stage we had so much more time at home, and time to spend with friends. Now with the older two in school, our days are chopped up in schedules, and sometimes I just don't have the time to do all the crafting or playgrouping I would like to (although we do meet our friends Wednesday mornings). We have our little routine, but I just don't feel it's as rich as it could be. I'm wondering if maybe I should just wait a year, or if that would make his little anxieties that much more. I just know these tear-jerker days devastate me.

He might just be working me too because when I've picked him up the past few weeks the teachers have had only good things to say. So there's that...and then there's the tears, with the result being my conflict of heart.

1 comment:

Harry said...

that's a tough one...especially when you know he's having a good day once you make it out the door.

but then you get that "they're only little once" guilt a-goin'.

you'll do what's right for you AND him, I'm sure.