the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, September 15, 2008

Birthday Blast

Happy Birthday to ME! Yesterday, I celebrated my 33rd birthday. Thirty-three years old. I remember when my mom turned 33ish. She was pregnant with my sister, and I was in first grade-ish (ok, so I don't remember the EXACT dates and events, but the general era I do recall.) Madison is in second grade now, so I guess she'll remember me at this age too. Funny thing is that my mom seems the same to me now as she did then, not necessarily older-just older than me. My grandparents never seemed older either-just older than my parents. Come to think of it, my sister never seemed older either-just younger than me. I may have an age perception issue.

In any case, I had a wonderful birthday. The weekend started with the first Decatur Home Football Game...a "Hope Floats" moment in progress. Grady watched the football fly across the field; Tanner conversed with the men about the plays during the game (seriously), and Madison kept her eye on the crowd looking for her next social engagement. As my friend Jennifer and I corralled the kids, our better halves parked cars. Todd is second in charge of that for the Lion's Club-yep, it takes TWO to lead the club in parking those cars, but I'm starting to babble...
Saturday morning we watched Tanner in his second official Little League Tball game. He's doing so much better than he did when he was three. We must have been on some good crack when we signed him up 2 years ago. He hit the ball twice without the tee, and EVEN watched ATTENTIVELY when he was in the outfield. Todd and his BFF, Jason, were coaching the team, and I had to laugh watching them pitch and catch. It was only a mere 15ish years ago that I sat watching them do the same thing for ol' DHS. This time their children were at homeplate instead of a rival team. Another "Hope Floats" moment to add to the birfday weekend.

Then we headed home to hunker down for Ike. The clouds were rolling in, and we were expecting floods out the whazoo. This wouldn't have been the first time a hurricane celebrated my birthday with me. When I was 13, we evacuated Corpus Christi for Hurricane Gilbert. We boarded up and drove to Beeville, a previous home, and I watched the clouds form spirals. It was eerie then, and it was almost as ominous this time. Only I was here, and my sister and some friends were down there. Not my favorite part of their evacuation plan-but I'm babbling again. Saturday night, we celebrated with my parents over dinner, brownies, and conversation centering on such hurricanes. After dinner we had some Sangria and cake with Shelly and Jared and Co. The Sangria/Benadryl cocktail lulled me into a wonderful birthday sleep.

As luck would have it, we woke up Sunday morning to blue skies and perfect weather. After checking in with all my hurricane survivors, and leaving Grady with Gran, we headed to Six Flags with some friends to celebrate not only my birthday-but their birthday. The hands of fate recently plopped some super fun friends in our lap, and just to make sure we got the hint-fate gave us the same birthday.

We caught up with eachother at the bobsled, and started the day o' fun. We had a variety of kid ages tagging along...but they seemed to mesh during the Aquaman ride. Nothing like getting shlopping wet to bring you together I guess. After that, it was wheels off. The big kids (I'm talking about Todd here) went running to Batman, Mr. Freeze, the Texas Giant, the Shockwave...I'm not sure the others went willingly, or gave into Todd's peer pressure. He's kind of a pro-peer-pressurer. I probably should have warned them.
I'm a little wimpish on those rides, so I was glad to have Julie-a fellow wimp. We volunteered to take the littler ones to Looney Toon Land, the Train, and the log ride. Equally as fun-promise. There were a few tense moments of discontented attitudes and nervous tummies...

But our map reading skills, powers of negotiation, and determination saw us through. We ended the day on the Pei Wei Patio (scaring off other would-be diners) splurging on good food and homemade birthday cake courtesy of Sharyn.
It's been a few years since I truly celebrated my birthday, and I must admit this day gets a 'blast' rating. Randy and Quinn-I did not know I was looking for birthday pals, but I'm glad Fate knew what I needed in leading me to you. She knows how much those "Hope Floats" days make my heart smile and my aura giggle.
On the other hand, She might just be making up for that Gilbert evacuation. No babbling.

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