the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, September 11, 2008


My kids make me bipolar.

Yesterday was a horrible-no-good-very-terrible-bad-day in the life of Madison, Tanner, and Grady's mom. Each kid had something that irked me, making me feel ineffective. Madison had sloppy issues at gymnastics (big surprise), Tanner wouldn't mind (his skull is 10 inches thick most of the time), and Grady must have had 352 accidents. These are just the highlights. Last night I went to bed wondering how I was possibly going to get these kids grown up to be happy, healthy, productive members of society. blah blah blah.

Today, on the other hand, was a lovely-wonderful-very-great-day in the life of Madison, Tanner, and Grady's mom. The kids were darn near perfect as they can be anyway. First, I know you are wondering (all 5 of you that read this) how Grady's second day at MDO went. Well, it went just peachy. I picked him up and EVERYONE was smiles. His teachers told me there was not a single tear the entire day, AND he took a nap, AND he went potty, AND he gave them a goodbye hug. Not only that, but he told me the rest of the day when he wanted to go potty. Imagine. During Grady's wonderful day at school, I volunteered in Tanner's class. The entire time I was there Tanner was just beaming. He did exactly what his teacher told him to do THE FIRST TIME SHE TOLD HIM. When I left, he gave me a hug and told me he loved me. Imagine that! Madison's lazy sloppy ways must have gotten on her own nerves, and SHE CLEANED HER ROOM WITHOUT BEING ASKED. She gave me a goodnight hug and kiss, and told me I was the best mommy ever. I must be imagining.

Now, given the flip-flop of these two days, how is a mom supposed to stay sane? Just when I think I've done something right...WHAM...not so much. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down.

Isn't that the definition of bipolar? Maybe I'm already there....

1 comment:

so not mother of the year said...

If we didn't have the crazy days we wouldn't appreciate the wonderful ones...that is what I tell myself anyway....but then again while you may be bipolar, maybe I have multiple personalities!