the story of growing up Scroggins

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Down in Fragglerock....

Labor Day weekend is usually our official goodbye to summer. Goodbye to swimming, boating, popsicles, camping, and that hot summer sun. Hello to Fall!! Welcome back pumpkins, school, football, and wonderfully cooler weather.

This particular Long Weekend we spent on the lake with our friends Shelly and Jared. Basically, we met up, took the boats out to a secluded spot, and let the kids jump off the boats for hours and hours. It took intense planning on the part of all the Adults involved to achieve this intricate set of weekend plans. Promise. You can observe the wind blown kids below-"fragglerocking" as we call it 'round these parts. OH! AND these friends, this Shelly and Jared, they have Rock Band. This house is pretty dern jealous.

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