the story of growing up Scroggins

Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Day Woes...

So, like I said, Grady started MDO on Thursday. Here we are all smiles, and pumped for "Grady's School." He really was so excited; he opened his lunchbox on the drive and was amazed at "Grady's lunch."

"Wow Mama-look at Grady's lunch!"

We walked in, found his class, put his backpack by his name, and he started playing. His teacher said he was doing really well. She even asked me if I always dropped him somewhere! I explained a few necessities, such as the infamous "night night" ever so important in Grady's world, his nap palet, and that was it. I left. My eyes were a little swollen with excess moisture, but we were good. He was good. Relief.

I went to Wal-Mart. ALL BY MYSELF!! It was luxurious. I can't even explain the silent wonderment of the shopping experience. I was able to use my list and coupons without reaching for and opening an alcoholic beverage of choice. Not that I usually do-I just usually REALLY WANT TO by the time it's all said and done. After that I spent the afternoon with friends having lunch and *a-hem* "discussing" our book for book club that night. :-) It felt a little self indulgent, and I had to talk myself into enjoying the "time off", but no bon bons-not yet anyway.

Pick up time was at 2. I tentatively made my way to Grady's class, and when I saw the teacher I knew. "Grady had a really hard day." O God. My fears were coming true. He was the worst kid in the history of MDO. She said he really missed "his mommy", and that at one point she told him "it's ok to cry, but you really have to stop screaming." She said he did, and there were moments of happiness out on the playground and at lunch, but overall-lots and lots of crying. I felt terrible. I felt terrible that he had such a sad day, and that the teachers had such a trying day with him! I felt terrible that he missed me. :(

I want him to go and have fun-he needs to learn it's ok to just be Grady. He needs to learn that I'm not quite as wonderful as he thinks!! (Just ask ANYONE!) He needs to learn that OTHER people can (gasp) make sippy cups, run on the playground, take him potty, share toys, put him to nap, make him lunch...blah blah blah. He needs to learn all this, and I need to learn how to teach him. Madison and Tanner knew this from Day 1; somehow Grady didn't get the memo.

Next Thursday we go again. Hopefully in the meantime he will get the memo. I'll mark it urgent.


Natalie said...

It will get better. :)

Anonymous said...

Have a great day tommorow Grady (and Danielle) -