the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Church Clothes

So, our get-ready-for-church-routine involves Todd getting the boys ready, and me getting Madison ready. Works well most of the time. In theory, since Todd is in charge of the boys, he would also be in charge of the bag of tricks that keeps Grady amused during Church. But like I said, that's a theory, and I digress.

We are usually rushing out of the house to get to church at least 5 minutes late. Why we can't get to church one day a week at 10:30, but we manage to get to school everyday at 8 is beyond me, but that's how it is...I usually grab the said bag of tricks (stuffing as I go), usher kids out the door, and slap some lipgloss on as I guzzle a diet coke.

Today after we parked, I open the door to unstrap Grady, and he doesn't have on shoes. His little socked feet are just dangling from the car seat. Feet with socks. For Church. I looked at Todd and asked where Grady's shoes were. Blank Stare. I repeat-Todd, honey, where are the shoes that Grady will wear today? Second Blank Stare. Final Answer: UUmmm....OH! on the desk at home, when I....

I left it at that. We went into Church 7 minutes late, stuffed bag-of-tricks in hand, smeared lip gloss from Grady's most recent "love", Tanner running for the restroom, Todd lecturing on "appropriate Church behavior", Grady without shoes...

and the cherry on the Sunday of my day-we passed my parents on the way in. We didn't even casually slip in-totally busted for crazy tardiness.

We are so dysfunctional.

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