the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Young Lady

Yesterday, I was casually talking with the principal here about a possible job next year. The position is for science and social studies. He was going on and on about how I would be perfect for the position. I joked that I visited with another applicant in the office a few days ago, and she seemed perfect too! He noted that he would need to get her correctly certified before moving ahead with the interview process. Now, I'm not certified to teach social studies (nor would I ever want to be!), and so I pointed this out to him. In reply he said, "you're a bright young lady, we'd figure it out."

So, my question of the day is (other than how you "figure out" correct certification)...when do you stop being a young lady? and will I notice when that happens? and if I do notice, will it bother me? or will I finally feel like a grown up? My first year teaching, it took me all year to adjust to being "Mrs. Scroggins". Eventually, I adapted, but I also remember when some pizza guy called me Ma'am; I didn't like it, but I went on with it. So now it seems I'm a "young lady Ma'am", whatever that is.

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