ok, so I'm on my 5th day of 'back to school.' There are so many thoughts and feelings running through me it's hard for me to focus on any one for an extended amount of time-especially enough time to sit and write a coherent thought about it. For now, I'll just narrate the stream of events.
Tuesday-First Day. I arrive at school at 8:00 after a 7:00 phone call. No roll sheets. No seating charts. No lesson plans for that day. No lesson plans for the rest of the year. To quote a dear friend, "Did she not know she was pregnant? Like those people that have babies in bathrooms after 9 months of nothing? Cause really that would be the only reason to leave nothing." I'm just sayin'. Despite early morning stress, I made it through that first day ok. Thank goodness for silent reading. Who knew?? By the end of the day I was offered a 6th grade science position for next year. I must have covered my panic attack well.
Wednesday-Second Day. I kind of stalked the teacher next door for ideas to fill the day. She gave me some reading material & questions and spelling words. How the heck do you teach spelling anyway? There's not exactly anything to explaing there-no stories-no lab. Sheesh. Thank goodness for the TAKS test-again, who knew??
Thursday-Third Day. Science TAKS Test. I began the day in a 6th grade Language Arts Classroom while a "trained teacher" administered the test. I was down with that-the kids were watching
Tuck Everlasting after having read the book. I remember wanting to see that movie but I think we had to see
Mission Impossible or some such nonesense. Totally cute movie with way cute girl from the Traveling Pants movie? It's ok, laugh. I'm really a 12 year old girl. Anyway, I switched to my 'normal classroom' after the TAKS. and then I entered a BLACK HOLE. The plan of the day was to hold the kids until everyone was done with the test.
They had to sit there and do nothing!! Even I was a little nutso by the end of the day. This is where "little kids and big kids" differ. At the Junior High/High School level, testing days do not involve babysitting. Note to self: no subbing on TAKS days.
Friday-Fourth Day. Normal Schedule for the First Time. This was actually a great day. I made a real lesson plan where I got to TEACH. I taught subject-verb agreement, and a writing lesson on adjectives. We read poetry, brainstormed ideas, and then wrote. Can I just say how difficult it is to get kids to write and DESCRIBE something? whew--I was whupped by the end of the day. I was pulling the words from their pencils and delicately placing them on their paper. Hopefully I made a difference. I want to make a difference. Otherwise, what's the point?
I'm not sure this has been the most positive back to school experience, but it's definitely been a learning experience. I miss the boys and our little routine, but I think this 'test drive' has more twists ahead that will only prepare me for my next step-whatever that might be.