the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, October 19, 2009


We had a conference with Tanner's teacher today.  It was just a mandatory conference to look over test scores and check in with the transition to first grade, but it was heartwarming.  I love love love his teacher.  She is a perfect match for Tanner's sensitive side, understanding how a little heart can be broken over the silliest things.  She went over his test scores, showing us where he should be, where he is, and where he could be by the end of the year.  We devised a little plan to keep his reading skills growing, and as we left, she told us that he's one of the sweetest little boys she's ever had.  She also told us that he was exceedingly smart, and she was excited to see how he'd grow. 

My heart seriously warmed at her kind words-aren't I just the most sappy mom ever?

But here's why.  From birth, EVERYONE who met Madison cooed over how smart she was, how she'd excel at this or that, but those compliments haven't been as plentiful for Tanner.  He's more quiet, more shy, more sensitive, and believe it or not, more stubborn.  All that probably contributes to the difference, and I know that each kid is different, blah blah blah.  But it was unexpectedly awesome to hear such nice things about Tanner. 

I highly recommend starting each day this way.


sharynh said...

Mrs. Blythe is so great...she was the perfect teacher for my sensitive middle child too....especially having just moved school, friends, etc.

natalie said...

so sweet! He is special! I know Madison is spoken for already, what about Tanner. I need someone so special like that for Mackenzie. I am so scared of all those boys out there. Can we get this set up?