the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What a difference a classroom makes...

Today was my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one. My school did some "figuring" and found me a classroom to share with another teacher. Up until this point, I've been one of those traveling teachers with everything on a cart. I've tried really hard to be organized, and think I've done an ok job, but for the most part felt like a complete spaz. I spent a large amount of time organizing myself, logging out of computers, and finding supplies to get through whatever lesson I had planned for the day. I felt like a step-child of sorts being a half time "additional" (overflow isn't a happy enough word) teacher. I've hit a few brick walls getting settled, but as of today think I may have busted free.

Oh the wonderfulness of a classroom. I got more done today than all the other days of school rolled into one. Just the ability to keep my programs open on the computer all day saved me hours of inefficiency. I have hope that I can now be the teacher I want to be, the teacher I need to be.

And as if that wasn't enough perfection in one day, Sharyn and Natalie took me to an early bday dinner at Go Go Gumbo tonight. It really doesn't get any better than this.


Harry said...

rock on!

sharynh said...

It was fun celebrating with you!

natalie said...

That is wonderful! What a RELIEF!