the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Museum School

This is a big year for Grady. I guess he's graduating from the "toddlerworld," and moved into "kidworld." Along with soccer, we enrolled him in Museum School, which is maybe my favorite preschool activity of all. I stumbled upon it when Madison was three, and it was the perfect fit. We were on a very strict budget, so I hadn't enrolled her in any kind of Mother's Day Out program, and I had anxiety about that (of course, just chalk it up to Mother's Guilt). It was January before a spot opened for her, so we only had to pay half a year's tuition, but she was "dropped off" for "school" once a week for a few hours. It really was a brilliant plan, and satisfied all our needs. The fun science-based curriculum excited all of us, and I think really built a good foundation for school being fun. Tanner and I would play at the Museum or run errands around Fort Worth while she was in class, and when we picked her up, we would have a picnic outside by the dinosaurs and water fountains. I loved Museum School days.

Madison graduated, and Tanner attended during his preschool years; the fun was constant, and never seemed to get old for me or them. Grady's watched me drop off Tanner, Sam, and Isaac, always asking when it would be his turn. Now it is. Today, he told me all about rabbits, and how his teacher even brought a REAL LIVE one to class. I'm so excited for him, even though it means that he's just that much closer to being bigger-for real.

1 comment:

natalie said...

So sweet! I hope he has a GREAT year!