the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, February 5, 2010

the roller coaster of teaching

A few weeks ago, I was devasted when I received an email from a parent telling me her child thought I was a mean teacher, wished she would fail, picked on her in get the idea.  It affected me so much because it wasn't the first email I'd received on that topic this year, and I began to question my teaching style and personality.   Yes, I'm hard on my kids.  I make them turn in their work, and hold their "feet to the fire" so to speak.  Sometimes, 25 "tweens" in a confined space just isn't a good idea, and I have to call them on it.  I'm sarcastic with them, too-maybe a little too much.  But, I don't want to be a meanie. Today, that same child gave me a sealed note, and asked me to read it after she'd gone.  Here's what she wrote:

For an Unforgettable Teacher

When I began your class, I think I knew the kind of challenges you'd make me face.
You gave me motivation to pursue the best, and to reject the commonplace.
Your thinking really opened up my mind.
With wisdom, style and grace you made me see that what I'd choose to seek, I'd surely find.
You shook me out of my complacency.
I thank you now for everything you've done.
What you have taught me I will not outgrow.
Your kind attention touched my mind and heart, in many ways that you will never know.
I will remember you my whole life through.
I wish that all my teachers were like you.

I'm not sure what prompted her change in attitude, and maybe she copied this poem off the internets.  But, I have seen a change in her lately, and that's a good thing.  And yes, Sappy Danielle totally teared up when she read that.  Because I do this teaching thing for more than just the spam it puts on the table.


Patti D said...

*tear...i hope you shared this with ALL your teacher friends!

natalie said...

Thanks so much for texting me on this one. Love it! These stories will certainly help me through the next few months. You are making a difference.....