the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

Our weekends are usually busting at the seams with activities-either kid activities, family activities, or "grown up" activities...This weekend was no different.


Yet another trip to the local Pumpkin Patch-but this time with my playgroup buddies. I jump on the chance to take Grady anywhere fun and to let him play with some friends. Although the simple life out here in the Decatur Metropolis is great, it has much to be desired in the stay-at-home-mommy-culture. I'm trying to cultivate that culture though-it's a work in progress. :)

Friday night, Sharyn and I took our girls to the Premier of High School Musical 3. Ya, we're that cool, and after a few glasses of wine, it was that good. I can totally see why the teenage types are all about this one-looks like a Grease in the making.

Todd's family celebrated his Grandad's 85th Birthday with a BBQ at Becky's house. Relatives came from miles around (literally-Justin was in from California!). We watched the kids run around, write letters to Colin in Afghanistan, and eat lots and lots of candy. Tummyaches were on the agenda later in the day.

That evening, we were at my mom's house to celebrate my sister's 27th birthday, complete with Cake Balls. Yep. Cake. Balls. There is some gene in my family that causes people not to like cake or icing. I didn't get that gene, but Patti did. Somehow Todd has this gene as well...we'll leave that alone for now though. So, because of this gene, we are always searching for birthday cake alternatives. Mom found someone who makes these lovely little inventions-they are just a little bite sized bit of cake covered in hard chocolate icing. Very yummy-and they work with candles too. We ended the night with the kids in the spa for a bath, and Tanner finally getting to have that slumber party in the Loft he's been wanting all these years. I hear it totally lived up to his expectations.
All day though, I thought of my friend Sean out there in Sunny Hawaii getting Maui'd. I hope the day was fairytale-esque, and can't wait to see the pics! Wish I could have been there. :)

We carved pumpkins as is our yearly tradition at Todd's mom's house. A day of fun with the cousins carving pumpkins, bobbing for apples, and snacking on more candy was a great top off for the weekend. We all headed home and crashed in bed to hit the ground running this morning.
Well, sort of. It was pajama day for Red Ribbon Week, that helped us hit the ground walking fast anyway.

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